# gbso An implementation of the stochastic superoptimization algorithm [STOKE](./docs/asplos13.pdf) for the Sharp LR35902 (also known as GB-Z80). ## Setup Make sure you have [Poetry](https://python-poetry.org/) and Python 3.9+ installed. Then run: ``` $ poetry install ``` ## Usage Input programs are specified as a list of CPU instructions. For a list of instructions available to the processor, take a look at [insn.py](./gbso/cpu/insn.py) or a [standard reference](https://gbdev.io/pandocs/CPU_Instruction_Set.html). Once you have the program specified, call `gbso.optimize.optimize` on the program. A superoptimized, behaviorally equivalent program will be returned. Additional parameters are available to the optimization function to control search. For a comprehensive example, see [ex.py](./ex.py). ## TODO - [ ] Cost penalties for undefined memory/register reads - [ ] "Improved" equality metric that accounts for correct results in the wrong location - [ ] Automatic test case generation from counterexamples - [ ] `DAA` instruction - [ ] 16-bit memory/register outputs