gameboy superoptimizer
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from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, List, Type
from gbso.cpu.cpu import CPU
from gbso.cpu.regs import R16, R8
class Operand(Enum):
R8 = "R8"
R16 = "R16" # BC, DE, HL, SP
R16_NO_SP = "R16_NO_SP" # BC, DE, HL
IMM3 = "IMM3"
IMM8 = "IMM8"
IMM16 = "IMM16"
class Insn(ABC):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
def cycles() -> int:
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
def pretty(self) -> str:
class LD_R_R(Insn):
dst: R8
src: R8
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R8, Operand.R8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 4
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.set_reg8(self.dst, cpu.get_reg8(self.src))
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"LD {self.dst.value}, {self.src.value}"
class LD_R_N8(Insn):
dst: R8
imm: int
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R8, Operand.IMM8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.set_reg8(self.dst, self.imm)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"LD {self.dst.value}, {hex(self.imm)}"
class LD_R_HL(Insn):
dst: R8
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.set_reg8(self.dst, cpu.get_mem8(cpu.get_reg16(R16.HL)))
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"LD {self.dst.value}, (HL)"
class LD_HL_R(Insn):
src: R8
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.hl = cpu.get_reg8(self.src)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"LD (HL), {self.src.value}"
class LD_HL_N(Insn):
imm: int
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.IMM8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 12
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.set_mem8(cpu.get_reg16(R16.HL), self.imm)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"LD (HL), {hex(self.imm & 0xff)}"
class LD_A_BC(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, cpu.get_mem8(cpu.get_reg16(R16.BC)))
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "LD A, (BC)"
class LD_A_DE(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, cpu.get_mem8(cpu.get_reg16(R16.DE)))
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "LD A, (DE)"
class LD_A_NN(Insn):
nn: int
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.IMM16]
def cycles() -> int:
return 16
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, cpu.get_mem8(self.nn))
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"LD A, ({hex(self.nn)})"
class LD_BC_A(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.set_mem8(cpu.get_reg16(R16.BC), cpu.get_reg8(R8.A))
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "LD (BC), A"
class LD_DE_A(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.set_mem8(cpu.get_reg16(R16.DE), cpu.get_reg8(R8.A))
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "LD (DE), A"
class LD_NN_A(Insn):
nn: int
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.IMM16]
def cycles() -> int:
return 16
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.set_mem8(self.nn, cpu.get_reg8(R8.A))
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"LD ({hex(self.nn)}), A"
class LD_A_FF_N(Insn):
n: int
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.IMM8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 12
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, cpu.get_mem8(0xFF00 + self.n))
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"LD A, (0xFF00 + {hex(self.n)})"
class LD_FF_N_A(Insn):
n: int
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.IMM8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 12
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.set_mem8(0xFF00 + self.n, cpu.get_reg8(R8.A))
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"LD (0xFF00 + {hex(self.n)}), A"
class LD_A_FF_C(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, cpu.get_mem8(0xFF00 + cpu.get_reg8(R8.C)))
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "LD A, (0xFF00 + C)"
class LD_FF_C_A(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.set_mem8(0xFF00 + cpu.get_reg8(R8.C), cpu.get_reg8(R8.A))
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "LD (0xFF00 + C), A"
class LDI_HL_A(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
hl = cpu.get_reg16(R16.HL)
cpu.set_mem8(hl, cpu.get_reg8(R8.A))
cpu.set_reg16(R16.HL, hl + 1)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "LDI (HL), A"
class LDI_A_HL(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
hl = cpu.get_reg16(R16.HL)
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, cpu.get_mem8(hl))
cpu.set_reg16(R16.HL, hl + 1)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "LDI A, (HL)"
class LDD_HL_A(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
hl = cpu.get_reg16(R16.HL)
cpu.set_mem8(hl, cpu.get_reg8(R8.A))
cpu.set_reg16(R16.HL, hl - 1)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "LDD (HL), A"
class LDD_A_HL(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
hl = cpu.get_reg16(R16.HL)
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, cpu.get_mem8(hl))
cpu.set_reg16(R16.HL, hl - 1)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "LDD A, (HL)"
class LD_RR_NN(Insn):
rr: R16
nn: int
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R16, Operand.IMM16]
def cycles() -> int:
return 12
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.set_reg16(self.rr, self.nn)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"LD {self.rr.value}, {hex(self.nn)}"
class LD_NN_SP(Insn):
nn: int
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.IMM16]
def cycles() -> int:
return 20
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.set_mem16(self.nn, cpu.get_reg16(R16.SP))
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"LD ({hex(self.nn)}), SP"
class LD_SP_HL(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.set_reg16(R16.SP, cpu.get_reg16(R16.HL))
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "LD SP, HL"
# NOTE: Normally we would support PUSH AF, but then non-carry flags could impact
# the program (by popping or inspecting where F was stored)
class PUSH_RR(Insn):
rr: R16
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R16_NO_SP]
def cycles() -> int:
return 16
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
sp = cpu.get_reg16(R16.SP) - 2
cpu.set_reg16(R16.SP, sp)
cpu.set_mem16(sp, cpu.get_reg16(self.rr))
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"PUSH {self.rr.value}"
class POP_RR(Insn):
rr: R16
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R16_NO_SP]
def cycles() -> int:
return 12
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
sp = cpu.get_reg16(R16.SP)
cpu.set_reg16(self.rr, cpu.get_mem16(sp))
cpu.set_reg16(R16.SP, sp + 2)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"POP {self.rr.value}"
class ADD_A_R(Insn):
r: R8
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 4
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) + cpu.get_reg8(self.r)
cpu.state.carry = 1 if a > 0xFF else 0
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, a)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"ADD A, {self.r.value}"
class ADD_A_N(Insn):
n: int
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.IMM8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) + self.n
cpu.state.carry = 1 if a > 0xFF else 0
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, a)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"ADD A, {hex(self.n)}"
class ADD_A_HL(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) + cpu.get_mem8(cpu.get_reg16(R16.HL))
cpu.state.carry = 1 if a > 0xFF else 0
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, a)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"ADD A, (HL)"
class ADC_A_R(Insn):
r: R8
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 4
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) + cpu.get_reg8(self.r) + cpu.state.carry
cpu.state.carry = 1 if a > 0xFF else 0
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, a)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"ADC A, {self.r.value}"
class ADC_A_N(Insn):
n: int
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.IMM8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) + self.n + cpu.state.carry
cpu.state.carry = 1 if a > 0xFF else 0
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, a)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"ADC A, {hex(self.n)}"
class ADC_A_HL(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) + cpu.get_mem8(cpu.get_reg16(R16.HL)) + cpu.state.carry
cpu.state.carry = 1 if a > 0xFF else 0
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, a)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"ADC A, (HL)"
class SUB_A_R(Insn):
r: R8
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 4
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) - cpu.get_reg8(self.r)
cpu.state.carry = 1 if a < 0 else 0
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, a)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"SUB A, {self.r.value}"
class SUB_A_N(Insn):
n: int
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.IMM8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) - self.n
cpu.state.carry = 1 if a < 0 else 0
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, a)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"SUB A, {hex(self.n)}"
class SUB_A_HL(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) - cpu.get_mem8(cpu.get_reg16(R16.HL))
cpu.state.carry = 1 if a < 0 else 0
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, a)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "SUB A, (HL)"
class SBC_A_R(Insn):
r: R8
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 4
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) - cpu.get_reg8(self.r) - cpu.state.carry
cpu.state.carry = 1 if a < 0 else 0
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, a)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"SBC A, {self.r.value}"
class SBC_A_N(Insn):
n: int
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.IMM8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) - self.n - cpu.state.carry
cpu.state.carry = 1 if a < 0 else 0
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, a)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"SBC A, {hex(self.n)}"
class SBC_A_HL(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) - cpu.get_mem8(cpu.get_reg16(R16.HL)) - cpu.state.carry
cpu.state.carry = 1 if a < 0 else 0
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, a)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "SBC A, (HL)"
class AND_A_R(Insn):
r: R8
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 4
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) & cpu.get_reg8(self.r)
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, a)
cpu.state.carry = 0
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"AND A, {self.r.value}"
class AND_A_N(Insn):
n: int
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.IMM8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) & self.n
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, a)
cpu.state.carry = 0
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"AND A, {hex(self.n)}"
class AND_A_HL(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) & cpu.get_mem8(cpu.get_reg16(R16.HL))
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, a)
cpu.state.carry = 0
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "AND A, (HL)"
class XOR_A_R(Insn):
r: R8
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 4
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) ^ cpu.get_reg8(self.r)
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, a)
cpu.state.carry = 0
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"XOR A, {self.r.value}"
class XOR_A_N(Insn):
n: int
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.IMM8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) ^ self.n
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, a)
cpu.state.carry = 0
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"XOR A, {hex(self.n)}"
class XOR_A_HL(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) ^ cpu.get_mem8(cpu.get_reg16(R16.HL))
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, a)
cpu.state.carry = 0
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "XOR A, (HL)"
class OR_A_R(Insn):
r: R8
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 4
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) | cpu.get_reg8(self.r)
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, a)
cpu.state.carry = 0
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"OR A, {self.r.value}"
class OR_A_N(Insn):
n: int
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.IMM8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) | self.n
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, a)
cpu.state.carry = 0
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"OR A, {hex(self.n)}"
class OR_A_HL(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) | cpu.get_mem8(cpu.get_reg16(R16.HL))
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, a)
cpu.state.carry = 0
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "OR A, (HL)"
class CP_A_R(Insn):
r: R8
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 4
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.state.carry = 1 if cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) < cpu.get_reg8(self.r) else 0
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"CP A, {self.r.value}"
class CP_A_N(Insn):
n: int
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.IMM8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.state.carry = 1 if cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) < self.n else 0
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"CP A, {hex(self.n)}"
class CP_A_HL(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.state.carry = (
1 if cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) < cpu.get_mem8(cpu.get_reg16(R16.HL)) else 0
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "CP A, (HL)"
class INC_R(Insn):
r: R8
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 4
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.set_reg8(self.r, cpu.get_reg8(self.r) + 1)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"INC {self.r.value}"
class INC_HL(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 12
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
hl = cpu.get_reg16(R16.HL)
cpu.set_mem8(hl, cpu.get_mem8(hl) + 1)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "INC (HL)"
class DEC_R(Insn):
r: R8
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 4
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.set_reg8(self.r, cpu.get_reg8(self.r) - 1)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"DEC {self.r.value}"
class DEC_HL(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 12
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
hl = cpu.get_reg16(R16.HL)
cpu.set_mem8(hl, cpu.get_mem8(hl) - 1)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "DEC (HL)"
# TODO: Implement DAA
class CPL(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 4
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, cpu.get_reg8(R8.A) ^ 0xFF)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "CPL"
class ADD_HL_RR(Insn):
rr: R16
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R16]
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
hl = cpu.get_reg16(R16.HL) + cpu.get_reg16(self.rr)
cpu.state.carry = 1 if hl > 0xFFFF else 0
cpu.set_reg16(R16.HL, hl)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"ADD HL, {self.rr.value}"
class INC_RR(Insn):
rr: R16
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R16]
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.set_reg16(self.rr, cpu.get_reg16(self.rr) + 1)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"INC {self.rr.value}"
class DEC_RR(Insn):
rr: R16
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R16]
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.set_reg16(self.rr, cpu.get_reg16(self.rr) - 1)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"DEC {self.rr.value}"
class ADD_SP_DD(Insn):
dd: int
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.SIMM8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 16
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
sp = cpu.get_reg16(R16.SP) + self.dd
cpu.state.carry = 1 if sp > 0xFFFF or sp < 0 else 0
cpu.set_reg16(R16.SP, sp & 0xFFFF)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"ADD SP, {self.dd}"
class LD_HL_SP_DD(Insn):
dd: int
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.SIMM8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 12
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
sp = cpu.get_reg16(R16.SP) + self.dd
cpu.state.carry = 1 if sp > 0xFFFF or sp < 0 else 0
cpu.set_reg16(R16.HL, sp & 0xFFFF)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"LD HL, SP + {self.dd}"
class RLCA(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 4
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A)
cpu.state.carry = (a >> 7) & 1
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, ((a << 1) & 0xFF) | cpu.state.carry)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "RLCA"
class RLA(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 4
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A)
next_carry = (a >> 7) & 1
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, ((a << 1) & 0xFF) | cpu.state.carry)
cpu.state.carry = next_carry
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "RLA"
class RRCA(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 4
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A)
cpu.state.carry = a & 1
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, (a >> 1) | (cpu.state.carry << 7))
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "RRCA"
class RRA(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 4
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
a = cpu.get_reg8(R8.A)
next_carry = a & 1
cpu.set_reg8(R8.A, (a >> 1) | (cpu.state.carry << 7))
cpu.state.carry = next_carry
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "RRA"
class RLC_R(Insn):
r: R8
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
r = cpu.get_reg8(self.r)
cpu.state.carry = (r >> 7) & 1
cpu.set_reg8(self.r, ((r << 1) & 0xFF) | cpu.state.carry)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"RLC {self.r.value}"
class RLC_HL(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 16
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.state.carry = (cpu.hl >> 7) & 1
cpu.hl = ((cpu.hl << 1) & 0xFF) | cpu.state.carry
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"RLC (HL)"
class RL_R(Insn):
r: R8
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
r = cpu.get_reg8(self.r)
next_carry = (r >> 7) & 1
cpu.set_reg8(self.r, ((r << 1) & 0xFF) | cpu.state.carry)
cpu.state.carry = next_carry
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"RL {self.r.value}"
class RL_HL(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 16
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
next_carry = (cpu.hl >> 7) & 1
cpu.hl = ((cpu.hl << 1) & 0xFF) | cpu.state.carry
cpu.state.carry = next_carry
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "RL (HL)"
class RRC_R(Insn):
r: R8
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
r = cpu.get_reg8(self.r)
cpu.state.carry = r & 1
cpu.set_reg8(self.r, (r >> 1) | (cpu.state.carry << 7))
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"RRC {self.r.value}"
class RRC_HL(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 16
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.state.carry = cpu.hl & 1
cpu.hl = (cpu.hl >> 1) | (cpu.state.carry << 7)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "RRC (HL)"
class RR_R(Insn):
r: R8
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
r = cpu.get_reg8(self.r)
next_carry = r & 1
cpu.set_reg8(self.r, (r >> 1) | (cpu.state.carry << 7))
cpu.state.carry = next_carry
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"RR {self.r.value}"
class RR_HL(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 16
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
next_carry = cpu.hl & 1
cpu.hl = (cpu.hl >> 1) | (cpu.state.carry << 7)
cpu.state.carry = next_carry
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "RR (HL)"
class SLA_R(Insn):
r: R8
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
r = cpu.get_reg8(self.r)
cpu.state.carry = 1 if r & (1 << 7) else 0
cpu.set_reg8(self.r, (r << 1) & 0xFF)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"SLA {self.r.value}"
class SLA_HL(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 16
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.state.carry = 1 if cpu.hl & (1 << 7) else 0
cpu.hl = (cpu.hl << 1) & 0xFF
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "SLA (HL)"
class SWAP_R(Insn):
r: R8
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
r = cpu.get_reg8(self.r)
cpu.set_reg8(self.r, ((r << 4) & 0xFF) | (r >> 4))
cpu.state.carry = 0
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"SWAP {self.r.value}"
class SWAP_HL(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 16
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.hl = ((cpu.hl << 4) & 0xFF) | (cpu.hl >> 4)
cpu.state.carry = 0
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "SWAP (HL)"
class SRA_R(Insn):
r: R8
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
r = cpu.get_reg8(self.r)
cpu.state.carry = 1 if r & (1 << 0) else 0
cpu.set_reg8(self.r, (r >> 1) | (r & (1 << 7)))
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"SRA {self.r.value}"
class SRA_HL(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 16
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.state.carry = 1 if cpu.hl & (1 << 0) else 0
cpu.hl = (cpu.hl >> 1) | (cpu.hl & (1 << 7))
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "SRA (HL)"
class SRL_R(Insn):
r: R8
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.R8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
r = cpu.get_reg8(self.r)
cpu.state.carry = 1 if r & (1 << 0) else 0
cpu.set_reg8(self.r, r >> 1)
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"SRL {self.r.value}"
class SRL_HL(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 16
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.state.carry = 1 if cpu.hl & (1 << 0) else 0
cpu.hl = cpu.hl >> 1
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "SRL (HL)"
class SET_N_R(Insn):
n: int
r: R8
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.IMM3, Operand.R8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.set_reg8(self.r, cpu.get_reg8(self.r) | (1 << self.n))
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"SET {self.n}, {self.r.value}"
class SET_N_HL(Insn):
n: int
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.IMM3]
def cycles() -> int:
return 16
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
hl = cpu.get_reg16(R16.HL)
cpu.set_mem8(hl, cpu.get_mem8(hl) | (1 << self.n))
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"SET {self.n}, (HL)"
class RES_N_R(Insn):
n: int
r: R8
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.IMM3, Operand.R8]
def cycles() -> int:
return 8
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.set_reg8(self.r, cpu.get_reg8(self.r) & ~(1 << self.n))
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"RES {self.n}, (HL)"
class RES_N_HL(Insn):
n: int
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return [Operand.IMM3]
def cycles() -> int:
return 16
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
hl = cpu.get_reg16(R16.HL)
cpu.set_mem8(hl, cpu.get_mem8(hl) & ~(1 << self.n))
def pretty(self) -> str:
return f"RES {self.n}, (HL)"
class CCF(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 4
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.state.carry = cpu.state.carry ^ 1
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "CCF"
class SCF(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 4
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
cpu.state.carry = 1
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "SCF"
class UNUSED(Insn):
def signature() -> List[Operand]:
return []
def cycles() -> int:
return 0
def exec(self, cpu: CPU) -> None:
def pretty(self) -> str:
return "UNUSED"
ALL_INSN_CLASSES: List[Type[Insn]] = [
cls for cls in Insn.__subclasses__() if cls != Insn # type: ignore
INSNS_BY_SIGNATURE: Dict[str, List[Type[Insn]]] = defaultdict(list)
def get_signature_class(insn: Insn) -> List[Type[Insn]]:
signature_key = get_signature_key(insn.signature())
return INSNS_BY_SIGNATURE[signature_key]
def get_signature_key(signature: List[Operand]) -> str:
return "-".join([ty.value for ty in signature])
for insn_cls in ALL_INSN_CLASSES:
signature_key = get_signature_key(insn_cls.signature())