- import { parse } from "./parser"
- import { convertIR } from "./ir"
- import type { Attr, Decl, Stmt, Type, VarDecl } from "./ast"
- type SymbolDefn = {
- attrs: Array<Attr>,
- name: string,
- type: Type
- }
- type SymbolMap = {
- [name: string]: SymbolDefn
- }
- // TODO: Support more than one TU
- export const compile = (source: string): string => {
- // 1. Parse
- const ast = parse(source)
- // 2. Partition declarations and statements
- const decls = ast.filter((x): x is Decl => x.type == "decl")
- const stmts = ast.filter((x): x is Stmt => x.type == "stmt")
- console.log("Declarations", decls)
- console.log("Statements", stmts)
- // 3. Create top-level symbol map
- const symbols = processDecls(decls)
- console.log("Symbols", symbols)
- // TODO: Some form of type-checking
- // 4. Generate IR
- const ir = convertIR(stmts)
- console.log("IR", ir)
- return ""
- }
- export const processDecls = (decls: Array<Decl>): SymbolMap => decls.reduce((symbols, decl) => {
- const symbol = processVarDecl(symbols, decl)
- return {
- ...symbols,
- [symbol.name]: symbol,
- }
- }, {})
- export const processVarDecl = (symbols: SymbolMap, decl: VarDecl): SymbolDefn => {
- if (typeof symbols[decl.name] !== 'undefined') {
- throw new Error(`a variable named \`${decl.name}' is already defined`)
- }
- return {
- attrs: decl.attrs,
- name: decl.name,
- type: decl.args.type,
- }
- }