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Add basic unit tests

Forest Belton 2 years ago
5 changed files with 2537 additions and 24 deletions
  1. +0
  2. +2230
  3. +8
  4. +40
  5. +259

lib/graph/graph.ts → lib/graph.ts View File

+ 2230
- 24
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File

+ 8
- 0
package.json View File

@ -1,12 +1,20 @@
"devDependencies": {
"@types/chai": "^4.2.21",
"@types/mocha": "^9.0.0",
"@types/node": "^16.9.1",
"chai": "^4.3.4",
"mocha": "^8.4.0",
"peggy": "^1.2.0",
"ts-mocha": "^8.0.0",
"typescript": "^4.4.3"
"name": "gbuoy",
"version": "1.0.0",
"main": "gbuoy.js",
"mocha": {
"spec": "test/**/*.spec.ts"
"directories": {
"lib": "lib"

+ 40
- 0
test/graph.spec.ts View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
import { expect } from "chai"
import { createGraph, neighbors, vertices } from "../lib/graph"
const g = createGraph((v, e) => {
v("a", true)
v("b", true)
v("c", true)
v("d", true)
e("a", "b")
e("a", "c")
const empty = createGraph((v, e) => { })
describe("graph", () => {
describe("neighbors", () => {
it("returns neighbors of vertex", () => {
const ns = neighbors(g, "a")
expect(ns).to.deep.equal(new Set(["b", "c"]))
it("returns empty set when vertex has no neighbors", () => {
const ns = neighbors(g, "d")
expect(ns).to.deep.equal(new Set())
it("throw on invalid vertex", () => {
expect(() => neighbors(empty, "x")).to.throw()
describe("vertices", () => {
it("return all vertices for a graph", () => {
const vs = vertices(g)
expect(vs).to.deep.equal(new Set(["a", "b", "c", "d"]))

+ 259
- 0
test/ir.spec.ts View File

@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
import { expect } from "chai"
import { convertAssignStmt, prettyPrintIR, SSA } from "../lib/ir"
describe("ir", () => {
describe("convertExpr", () => {
it("load with immediate", () => {
const state = { nextID: 0, ssa_stmts: [] }
const ir = convertAssignStmt(state, {
type: "stmt",
stmt_type: "assign",
args: {
name: "x",
expr: 42,
dest: {
type: "variable",
name: "x",
source: 42,
it("load with variable", () => {
const state = { nextID: 0, ssa_stmts: [] }
const ir = convertAssignStmt(state, {
type: "stmt",
stmt_type: "assign",
args: {
name: "x",
expr: "y",
dest: {
type: "variable",
name: "x",
source: {
type: "variable",
name: "y",
it("unary op", () => {
const state = { nextID: 0, ssa_stmts: [] }
const ir = convertAssignStmt(state, {
type: "stmt",
stmt_type: "assign",
args: {
name: "x",
expr: {
type: "unary",
op: "arith_negate",
arg: "y"
dest: {
type: "variable",
name: "x",
source: {
type: "variable",
name: "y",
op: "arith_negate",
it("binary op", () => {
const state = { nextID: 0, ssa_stmts: [] }
const ir = convertAssignStmt(state, {
type: "stmt",
stmt_type: "assign",
args: {
name: "x",
expr: {
type: "binary",
op: "add",
left: "y",
right: 42,
dest: {
type: "variable",
name: "x",
source: {
type: "variable",
name: "y",
source1: 42,
op: "add",
it("nested binary op", () => {
const state = { nextID: 0, ssa_stmts: [] }
const ir = convertAssignStmt(state, {
type: "stmt",
stmt_type: "assign",
args: {
name: "x",
expr: {
type: "binary",
op: "add",
left: "y",
right: {
type: "binary",
op: "subtract",
left: "z",
right: 42,
dest: {
type: "temporary",
name: "t0",
source: {
type: "variable",
name: "z",
op: "subtract",
source1: 42,
dest: {
type: "variable",
name: "x",
source: {
type: "variable",
name: "y",
op: "add",
source1: {
type: "temporary",
name: "t0",
describe("prettyPrintIR", () => {
it("load with immediate", () => {
const ssa: SSA = {
dest: {
type: "variable",
name: "x",
source: 42,
expect(prettyPrintIR(ssa)).to.equal("x = 42")
it("load with register", () => {
const ssa: SSA = {
dest: {
type: "variable",
name: "x",
source: {
type: "register",
name: "A"
expect(prettyPrintIR(ssa)).to.equal("x = %A")
it("load with temporary", () => {
const ssa: SSA = {
dest: {
type: "variable",
name: "x",
source: {
type: "temporary",
name: "t0"
expect(prettyPrintIR(ssa)).to.equal("x = #t0")
it("load with variable", () => {
const ssa: SSA = {
dest: {
type: "variable",
name: "x",
source: {
type: "variable",
name: "y"
expect(prettyPrintIR(ssa)).to.equal("x = y")
it("unary op", () => {
const ssa: SSA = {
dest: {
type: "variable",
name: "x",
source: {
type: "variable",
name: "y"
op: "arith_negate",
expect(prettyPrintIR(ssa)).to.equal("x = arith_negate(y)")
it("binary op", () => {
const ssa: SSA = {
dest: {
type: "variable",
name: "x",
source: {
type: "variable",
name: "y"
source1: 42,
op: "add",
expect(prettyPrintIR(ssa)).to.equal("x = add(y, 42)")
