A "high-level" language for the Gameboy
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import type { RegAlloc } from '../regalloc'
import { AbsInsn2, CopyInsn, GotoInsn, insnReduce2, LabelInsn, Operand, UnaryInsn } from '../ir/insn'
import { Loc, LocType } from '../ir/loc'
import { UnaryOp, BinaryOp } from '../ast'
import { BasicBlock } from '../ir/block'
export const allocate = (alloc: RegAlloc, block: BasicBlock): BasicBlock =>
new BasicBlock(
block.insns.map(insn => allocateInsn(alloc, insn))
export const allocateInsn = (alloc: RegAlloc, insn: AbsInsn2): AbsInsn2 => insnReduce2<AbsInsn2>(
(dest: Loc, source: Operand) => CopyInsn(
allocateInsnDest(alloc, dest),
typeof source === 'number' ? source : allocateInsnDest(alloc, source),
(name: string) => LabelInsn(name),
(name: string) => GotoInsn(name),
(dest: Loc, op: UnaryOp | BinaryOp, source: Operand) => UnaryInsn(
allocateInsnDest(alloc, dest),
typeof source === 'number' ? source : allocateInsnDest(alloc, source),
export const allocateInsnDest = (alloc: RegAlloc, loc: Loc): Loc =>
loc.type === LocType.TEMPORARY
? lookupAllocation(alloc, loc.ppName())
: loc
const lookupAllocation = (alloc: RegAlloc, name: string): Loc => {
const loc = alloc[name]
if (typeof loc === 'object') {
throw new Error('stack offsets not supported yet')
return Loc.reg(loc)