A "high-level" language for the Gameboy
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

141 lines
3.5 KiB

import { intersect } from "./set"
export type Graph<V> = {
numVertices: number,
numEdges: number,
vertices: {
[v: string]: V
edges: {
[v: string]: Set<string>
export type AddVertex<V> = (name: string, v: V) => void
export type AddEdge = (source: string, dest: string) => void
export const createGraph = <V>(cons: (v: AddVertex<V>, e: AddEdge) => void): Graph<V> => {
const g: Graph<V> = { numVertices: 0, numEdges: 0, vertices: {}, edges: {} }
const addVertex = (name: string, v: V) => {
if (typeof g.vertices[name] !== "undefined") {
g.vertices[name] = v
g.edges[name] = new Set()
const addEdge = (source: string, dest: string) => {
if (typeof g.vertices[source] === "undefined") {
throw new Error(`vertex \`${source}' does not exist in graph`)
} else if (typeof g.vertices[dest] === "undefined") {
throw new Error(`vertex \`${dest}' does not exist in graph`)
cons(addVertex, addEdge)
return g
export const neighbors = <V>(g: Graph<V>, name: string): Set<string> => {
if (typeof g.vertices[name] === "undefined") {
throw new Error(`vertex \`${name}' does not exist in graph`)
return g.edges[name]
export const vertices = <V>(g: Graph<V>): Set<string> => new Set(Object.keys(g.vertices))
export const edgeConnects = <V>(g: Graph<V>, v1: string, v2: string): boolean => g.edges[v1].has(v2)
export const maxCardinalitySearch = <V>(g: Graph<V>): Array<string> => {
const weights: { [s: string]: number } = {}
const ordering: Array<string> = []
const W = vertices(g)
const numVertices = W.size
for (let i = 0; i < numVertices; ++i) {
const v = findMaxWeight(weights, W)
intersect(W, neighbors(g, v)).forEach(x =>
weights[x] = (weights[x] || 0) + 1
return ordering
const findMaxWeight = (weights: { [s: string]: number }, W: Set<string>): string => {
let maxV = null
let maxWeight = -Infinity
W.forEach(v => {
const vWeight = weights[v] || 0
if (vWeight > maxWeight) {
maxV = v
maxWeight = vWeight
if (maxV === null) {
throw new Error(`remaining vertex set is empty`)
return maxV
export type GraphColoring = {
numColors: number,
colors: VertexColoring,
export type VertexColoring = {
[s: string]: number,
export const colorGreedy = <V>(g: Graph<V>, vertexOrdering: Array<string>): GraphColoring => {
if (vertexOrdering.length !== g.numVertices) {
throw new Error("ordering does not cover all vertices")
const coloring: GraphColoring = { numColors: 0, colors: {} }
const usedColors = {}
vertexOrdering.forEach(v => {
const ns = neighbors(g, v)
let color = 0
while (!colorAvailable(color, ns, coloring.colors)) {
coloring.colors[v] = color
usedColors[color] = true
coloring.numColors = Object.keys(usedColors).length
return coloring
const colorAvailable = (color: number, neighbors: Set<string>, colors: VertexColoring): boolean => {
// TODO: Why can't I just iterate over neighbors directly...?
for (const nbor of Array.from(neighbors)) {
if (colors[nbor] === color) {
return false
return true