A "high-level" language for the Gameboy
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

133 lines
3.7 KiB

import { expect } from "chai"
import { convertAssignStmt } from "../../lib/ir/convert"
import { Loc } from "../../lib/ir/loc"
describe("ir", () => {
describe("convertExpr", () => {
it("load with immediate", () => {
const state = { nextID: 0, ssa_stmts: [] }
const ir = convertAssignStmt(state, {
type: "stmt",
stmt_type: "assign",
args: {
name: "x",
expr: 42,
dest: Loc.vari("x"),
source: 42,
it("load with variable", () => {
const state = { nextID: 0, ssa_stmts: [] }
const ir = convertAssignStmt(state, {
type: "stmt",
stmt_type: "assign",
args: {
name: "x",
expr: "y",
dest: Loc.vari("x"),
source: Loc.vari("y"),
it("unary op", () => {
const state = { nextID: 0, ssa_stmts: [] }
const ir = convertAssignStmt(state, {
type: "stmt",
stmt_type: "assign",
args: {
name: "x",
expr: {
type: "unary",
op: "arith_negate",
arg: "y"
dest: Loc.vari("x"),
source: Loc.vari("y"),
op: "arith_negate",
it("binary op", () => {
const state = { nextID: 0, ssa_stmts: [] }
const ir = convertAssignStmt(state, {
type: "stmt",
stmt_type: "assign",
args: {
name: "x",
expr: {
type: "binary",
op: "add",
left: "y",
right: 42,
dest: Loc.vari("x"),
source: Loc.vari("y"),
source1: 42,
op: "add",
it("nested binary op", () => {
const state = { nextID: 0, ssa_stmts: [] }
const ir = convertAssignStmt(state, {
type: "stmt",
stmt_type: "assign",
args: {
name: "x",
expr: {
type: "binary",
op: "add",
left: "y",
right: {
type: "binary",
op: "subtract",
left: "z",
right: 42,
dest: Loc.temp("t0"),
source: Loc.vari("z"),
op: "subtract",
source1: 42,
dest: Loc.vari("x"),
source: Loc.vari("y"),
op: "add",
source1: Loc.temp("t0"),