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include "sdk/"
SECTION "gbsdk_joypad_ram", WRAM0
wJoypadState:: ds 1
wJoypadPressed:: ds 1
SECTION "gbsdk_joypad_functions", ROM0
; Call this routine once per frame to update the joypad related variables.
; Routine also returns the currently pressed buttons in the a register.
ld hl, rP1
ld [hl], P1F_GET_BTN
; After the initial enable we need to read twice to ensure
; we get the proper hardware state on real hardware
ld a, [hl]
ld a, [hl]
ld [hl], P1F_GET_DPAD
cpl ; Inputs are active low, so a bit being 0 is a button pressed. So we invert this.
ld e, a ; Store the lower 4 button bits in e
; We need to read rP1 8 times to ensure the proper button state is available.
; This is only needed on real hardware, as it takes a while for the
; inputs to change state back from the first set.
ld d, 8
: ld a, [hl]
dec d
jr nz, :-
ld [hl], P1F_GET_NONE ; Disable the joypad inputs again, saves a tiny bit of power and allows the lines to settle before the next read
swap a ; We want the directional keys as upper 4 bits, so swap the nibbles.
cpl ; Inputs are active low, so a bit being 0 is a button pressed. So we invert this.
or e
ld e, a
; Compare the new joypad state with the previous one, and store the
; new bits in wJoypadPressed
ld hl, wJoypadState
xor [hl]
and e
ld [wJoypadPressed], a
ld a, e
ld [wJoypadState], a