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44 lines
861 B

include "sdk/"
SECTION "gbsdk_sgb_functions", ROM0
pop de
pop hl
; hl=pointer to data to send
; SGB RESET pulse
xor a
ldh [rP1], a
push hl ; done here for delay reasons
ldh [rP1], a
push de ; done here for delay reasons
ld e, 16 ; amount of bytes to send
ld a, [hl+]
ld d, a ; byte to send in d
ld c, 8 ; amount of bits to send
bit 0, d
ld a, P1F_5
jr z, .zero
ld a, P1F_4
ldh [rP1], a
rr d ; 2cycles
ld a, P1F_5 | P1F_4 ; 2cycles
dec c ; 1cycle
ldh [rP1], a
jr nz, .bitLoop
dec e
jr nz, .byteLoop
ld a, P1F_5
ldh [rP1], a
ldh [rP1], a ; (3)
ldh [rP1], a ; (3)
xor a ; (1)
ldh [rP1], a