lol its in c
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include ""
include ""
add_a_to_r16: MACRO
add \2
ld \2, a
adc \1
sub \2
ld \1, a
add_a_to_hl: MACRO
add_a_to_r16 h, l
add_a_to_de: MACRO
add_a_to_r16 d, e
ret_dont_call_playnote: MACRO
pop hl
pop af
and a ; Clear carry to avoid calling `play_chX_note`
push af
jp hl
add_a_ind_ret_hl: MACRO
ld hl, \1
add [hl]
inc hl
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
adc h
sub l
ld h, a
load_hl_ind: MACRO
ld hl, \1
ld a, [hl+]
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
load_de_ind: MACRO
ld a, [\1]
ld e, a
ld a, [\1+1]
ld d, a
retMute: MACRO
bit \1, a
ret nz
checkMute: MACRO
ld a, [mute_channels]
bit \1, a
jr nz, \2
;; Maximum pattern length
;; Amount to be shifted in order to skip a channel.
SECTION "Playback variables", WRAM0
;; Active song descriptor
order_cnt: db
;; Pointers to the song's current four orders (one per channel)
order1: dw
order2: dw
order3: dw
order4: dw
;; Pointers to the instrument tables
duty_instruments: dw
wave_instruments: dw
noise_instruments: dw
;; Misc. pointers
routines: dw
waves: dw
;; Pointers to the current patterns (sort of a cache)
pattern1: dw
pattern2: dw
pattern3: dw
pattern4: dw
;; How long a row lasts in ticks (1 = one row per call to `hUGE_dosound`, etc. 0 translates to 256)
ticks_per_row: db
;; ID of the wave currently loaded into wave RAM
current_wave: db
hUGE_NO_WAVE equ 100
;; Everything between this and `end_zero` is zero-initialized by `hUGE_init`
mute_channels: db
current_order: db
next_order: db
row_break: db
temp_note_value: dw
row: db
tick: db
counter: db
;;Channel 1
channel_period1: dw
toneporta_target1: dw
channel_note1: db
vibrato_tremolo_phase1: db
envelope1: db
highmask1: db
;;Channel 2
channel_period2: dw
toneporta_target2: dw
channel_note2: db
vibrato_tremolo_phase2: db
envelope2: db
highmask2: db
;;Channel 3
channel_period3: dw
toneporta_target3: dw
channel_note3: db
vibrato_tremolo_phase3: db
envelope3: db
highmask3: db
;;Channel 4
channel_period4: dw
toneporta_target4: dw
channel_note4: db
vibrato_tremolo_phase4: db
envelope4: db
highmask4: db
SECTION "Sound Driver", ROM0
;;; Sets up hUGEDriver to play a song.
;;; Param: HL = Pointer to the "song descriptor" you wish to load (typically exported by hUGETracker).
;;; Destroys: AF C DE HL
ld a, [hl+] ; tempo
ld [ticks_per_row], a
ld a, [hl+]
ld e, a
ld a, [hl+]
ld d, a
ld a, [de]
ld [order_cnt], a
ld c, _end_song_descriptor_pointers - (_start_song_descriptor_pointers)
ld de, order1
ld a, [hl+]
ld [de], a
inc de
dec c
jr nz, .copy_song_descriptor_loop
;; Zero some ram
ld c, end_zero - start_zero
ld hl, start_zero
xor a
ld [hl+], a
dec c
jr nz, .fill_loop
;; These two are zero-initialized by the loop above, so these two writes must come after
ld a, %11110000
ld [envelope1], a
ld [envelope2], a
;; Force loading the next wave
ld a, hUGE_NO_WAVE
ld [current_wave], a
;; Preview mode needs to load the order ID from memory
ld c, 0
ld a, [current_order]
ld c, a
;; fallthrough (load the pattern pointers)
;;; Sets all 4 pattern pointers from a certain index in the respective 4 orders.
;;; Param: C = The index (in increments of 2)
;;; Destroy: AF DE HL
db $fc ; signal order update to tracker
ld hl, order1
ld de, pattern1
call .load_pattern
ld hl, order2
call .load_pattern
ld hl, order3
call .load_pattern
ld hl, order4
;; fallthrough
ld a, [hl+]
add c
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
adc h
sub l
ld h, a
ld a, [hl+]
ld [de], a
inc de
ld a, [hl]
ld [de], a
inc de
;;; Sets a channel's muting status.
;;; Muted channels are left entirely alone by the driver, so that you can repurpose them,
;;; for example for sound effects, CH3 sample playback, etc.
;;; If muting the channel, the note being played will be cut.
;;; Param: B = Which channel to enable; 0 for CH1, 1 for CH2, etc.
;;; Param: C = 0 to unmute the channel, 1 to mute it
;;; Destroy: A C E HL
ld e, $fe
ld a, b
or a
jr z, .enable_cut
sla c
rlc e
dec a
jr nz, .enable_loop
ld a, [mute_channels]
and e
or c
ld [mute_channels], a
and c
jp nz, note_cut
;;; Reads a pattern's current row.
;;; Param: BC = Pointer to the pattern
;;; Param: [row] = Index of the current ro<
;;; Return: A = Note ID
;;; Return: B = Instrument (upper nibble) & effect code (lower nibble)
;;; Return: C = Effect parameter
;;; Destroy: HL
ld a, [row]
ld h, a
;; Multiply by 3 for the note value
add h
add h
ld h, 0
ld l, a
add hl, bc ; HL now points at the 3rd byte of the note
ld a, [hl+]
ld b, [hl]
inc hl
ld c, [hl]
;;; Gets the "period" of a pattern's current note.
;;; Param: HL = Pointer to the pattern pointer
;;; Param: [row] = Index of the current row
;;; Param: DE = Location to write the note's index to, if applicable
;;; Return: HL = Note's period
;;; Return: CF = Set if and only if a "valid" note (i.e. not a "rest")
;;; Return: [DE] = Note's ID, not updated if a "rest"
;;; Return: B = Instrument (upper nibble) & effect code (lower nibble)
;;; Return: C = Effect parameter
;;; Destroy: AF
ld a, [hl+]
ld c, a
ld b, [hl]
call get_current_row
ld hl, 0
;; If the note we found is greater than LAST_NOTE, then it's not a valid note
;; and nothing needs to be updated.
ret nc
;; Store the loaded note value in channel_noteX
ld [de], a
;;; Gets a note's "period", i.e. what should be written to NRx3 and NRx4.
;;; Param: A = Note ID
;;; Return: HL = Note's period
;;; Return: CF = 1
;;; Destroy: AF
add a ;; double it to get index into hi/lo table
add LOW(note_table)
ld l, a
adc HIGH(note_table)
sub l
ld h, a
ld a, [hl+]
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
;;; Gets a note's "polynomial counter", i.e. what should be written to NR44.
;;; Param: A = Note ID
;;; Return: A = Note's poly
;;; Destroy: F HL
;; Invert the order of the numbers
add 192 ; (255 - 63)
;; Thanks to RichardULZ for this formula
; if A > 7 then begin
; B := (A-4) div 4;
; C := (A mod 4)+4;
; A := (C or (B shl 4))
; end;
; if A < 7 then return
cp 7
ret c
ld h, a
; B := (A-4) div 4;
sub 4
srl a
srl a
ld l, a
; C := (A mod 4)+4;
ld a, h
and 3 ; mod 4
add 4
; A := (C or (B shl 4))
swap l
or l
;;; Computes the pointer to a member of a channel.
;;; Param: B = Which channel (0 = CH1, 1 = CH2, etc.)
;;; Param: D = Offset within the channel struct
;;; Return: HL = Pointer to the channel's member
;;; Destroy: AF
ld a, b
add a
add d
ld hl, channels
add LOW(channels)
ld l, a
adc HIGH(channels)
sub l
ld h, a
;;; Updates a channel's frequency, and possibly restarts it.
;;; Note that CH4 is *never* restarted by this!
;;; Param: B = Which channel to update (0 = CH1, 1 = CH2, etc.)
;;; Param: (ignored for CH4) A = ORed to the value written to NRx4
;;; Param: (for CH4) E = Note ID
;;; Param: (otherwise) DE = Note period
;;; Destroy: AF B
;;; Destroy: (for CH4) HL
ld c, a
ld a, [mute_channels]
dec b
jr z, .update_channel2
dec b
jr z, .update_channel3
dec b
jr z, .update_channel4
retMute 0
ld a, e
ldh [rAUD1LOW], a
ld a, d
or c
ldh [rAUD1HIGH], a
retMute 1
ld a, e
ldh [rAUD2LOW], a
ld a, d
or c
ldh [rAUD2HIGH], a
retMute 2
ld a, e
ldh [rAUD3LOW], a
ld a, d
or c
ldh [rAUD3HIGH], a
retMute 3
ld a, e
call get_note_poly
ldh [rAUD4POLY], a
xor a
ldh [rAUD4GO], a
jr play_ch1_note
jr play_ch2_note
jr play_ch3_note
jr play_ch4_note
ld a, [mute_channels]
retMute 0
;; Play a note on channel 1 (square wave)
ld a, [temp_note_value]
ld [channel_period1], a
ldh [rAUD1LOW], a
ld a, [temp_note_value+1]
ld [channel_period1+1], a
;; Get the highmask and apply it.
ld hl, highmask1
or [hl]
ldh [rAUD1HIGH], a
ld a, [mute_channels]
retMute 1
;; Play a note on channel 2 (square wave)
ld a, [temp_note_value]
ld [channel_period2], a
ldh [rAUD2LOW], a
ld a, [temp_note_value+1]
ld [channel_period2+1], a
;; Get the highmask and apply it.
ld hl, highmask2
or [hl]
ldh [rAUD2HIGH], a
ld a, [mute_channels]
retMute 2
;; Triggering CH3 while it's reading a byte corrupts wave RAM.
;; To avoid this, we kill the wave channel (0 → NR30), then re-enable it.
;; This way, CH3 will be paused when we trigger it by writing to NR34.
;; TODO: what if `highmask3` bit 7 is not set, though?
xor a
ldh [rAUD3ENA], a
ldh [rAUD3ENA], a
;; Play a note on channel 3 (waveform)
ld a, [temp_note_value]
ld [channel_period3], a
ldh [rAUD3LOW], a
ld a, [temp_note_value+1]
ld [channel_period3+1], a
;; Get the highmask and apply it.
ld hl, highmask3
or [hl]
ldh [rAUD3HIGH], a
ld a, [mute_channels]
retMute 3
;; Play a "note" on channel 4 (noise)
ld a, [temp_note_value]
ld [channel_period4+1], a
ldh [rAUD4POLY], a
;; Get the highmask and apply it.
ld a, [highmask4]
ldh [rAUD4GO], a
;;; Performs an effect on a given channel.
;;; Param: E = Channel ID (0 = CH1, 1 = CH2, etc.)
;;; Param: B = Effect type (upper 4 bits ignored)
;;; Param: C = Effect parameters (depend on FX type)
;;; Destroy: AF BC DE HL
;; Strip the instrument bits off leaving only effect code
ld a, b
and %00001111
;; Multiply by 2 to get offset into table
add a
add LOW(.jump)
ld l, a
adc HIGH(.jump)
sub l
ld h, a
ld a, [hl+]
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
ld b, e
ld a, [tick]
or a ; We can return right off the bat if it's tick zero
jp hl
;; Jump table for effect
dw fx_arpeggio ;0xy
dw fx_porta_up ;1xy
dw fx_porta_down ;2xy
dw fx_toneporta ;3xy
dw fx_vibrato ;4xy
dw fx_set_master_volume ;5xy ; global
dw fx_call_routine ;6xy
dw fx_note_delay ;7xy
dw fx_set_pan ;8xy ; global
dw fx_set_duty ;9xy
dw fx_vol_slide ;Axy
dw fx_pos_jump ;Bxy ; global
dw fx_set_volume ;Cxy
dw fx_pattern_break ;Dxy ; global
dw fx_note_cut ;Exy
dw fx_set_speed ;Fxy ; global
;;; Processes (global) effect 5, "set master volume".
;;; Param: C = Value to write to NR50
;;; Param: ZF = Set if and only if on tick 0
;;; Destroy: A
ret nz
ld a, c
ldh [rAUDVOL], a
;;; Processes effect 6, "call routine".
;;; Param: B = Current channel ID (0 = CH1, 1 = CH2, etc.)
;;; Param: C = Routine ID
;;; Param: A = Current tick
;;; Param: ZF = Set if and only if on tick 0
;;; Destroy: Anything the routine does
sla c
ld a, [routines]
add c
ld l, a
ld a, [routines+1]
adc 0
ld h, a
ld a, [hl+]
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
ld a, [tick]
or a ; set zero flag if tick 0 for compatibility
IF DEF(GBDK) ; Pass the tick counter as a SDCC call parameter
push af
inc sp
push bc
call .call_hl
add sp, 3
jp hl
;;; Processes (global) effect 8, "set pan".
;;; Param: B = Current channel ID (0 = CH1, 1 = CH2, etc.)
;;; Param: C = Value to write to NR51
;;; Param: ZF = Set if and only if on tick 0
;;; Destroy: A
ret nz
;; Pretty simple. The editor can create the correct value here without a bunch
;; of bit shifting manually.
ld a, c
ldh [rAUDTERM], a
;;; Processes effect 9, "set duty cycle".
;;; Param: B = Current channel ID (0 = CH1, anything else = CH2)
;;; Param: C = Value to write to NRx1
;;; Param: ZF = Set if and only if on tick 0
;;; Destroy: AF
ret nz
;; $900 = 12.5%
;; $940 = 25%
;; $980 = 50%
;; $9C0 = 75%
ld a, b
or a
ld a, [mute_channels]
jr z, .chan1
retMute 1
ld a, c
ldh [rAUD2LEN], a
retMute 0
ld a, c
ldh [rAUD1LEN], a
;;; Processes effect A, "volume slide".
;;; Param: B = Current channel ID (0 = CH1, 1 = CH2, etc.)
;;; Param: C = FX param; either nibble should be 0, otherwise weird (unspecified) behavior may arise
;;; Param: ZF = Set if and only if on tick 0
;;; Destroy: AF C DE HL
ret nz
;; This is really more of a "retrigger note with lower volume" effect and thus
;; isn't really that useful. Instrument envelopes should be used instead.
;; Might replace this effect with something different if a new effect is
;; ever needed.
;; check channel mute
;; 0 → $01, 1 → $02, 2 → $04, 3 → $05
;; Overall, these two instructions add 1 to the number.
;; However, the first instruction will generate a carry for inputs of $02 and $03;
;; the `adc` will pick the carry up, and "separate" 0 / 1 from 2 / 3 by an extra 1.
;; Luckily, this yields correct results for 0 ($01), 1 ($02), and 2 ($03 + 1 = $04).
;; We'll see about fixing 3 afterwards.
add -2
adc 3
;; After being shifted left, the inputs are $02, $04, $08 and $0A; all are valid BCD,
;; except for $0A. Since we just performed `add a`, DAA will correct the latter to $10.
;; (This should be correctly emulated everywhere, since the inputs are identical to
;; "regular" BCD.)
;; When shifting the results back, we'll thus get $01, $02, $04 and $08!
add a
ld d, a
ld a, [mute_channels]
and d
ret nz
;; setup the up and down params
ld a, c
and %00001111
ld d, a
ld a, c
and %11110000
ld e, a
swap e
; There are 5 bytes between each envelope register
ld a, b
add a
add a
add b
ld c, a
ldh a, [c]
and %11110000
swap a
sub d
jr nc, .cont1
xor a
add e
cp $10
jr c, .cont2
ld a, $F
swap a
ldh [c], a
; Go to rAUDxGO, which is 2 bytes after
inc c
inc c
ldh a, [c]
or %10000000
ldh [c], a
jr play_note
;;; Processes effect 7, "note delay".
;;; Param: B = Current channel ID (0 = CH1, 1 = CH2, etc.)
;;; Param: C = Amount of ticks by which to delay the note
;;; Caveats: 0 never plays the note, and a delay longer than a row's duration skips the note entirely
;;; Param: ZF = Set if and only if on tick 0
;;; Destroy: AF D HL
jr nz, .play_note
;; Just store the note into the channel period, and don't play a note.
ld d, 0
call ptr_to_channel_member
ld a, [temp_note_value]
ld [hl+], a
ld a, [temp_note_value+1]
ld [hl], a
;; Don't call _playnote. This is done by grabbing the return
;; address and manually skipping the next call instruction.
cp c
ret nz ; wait until the correct tick to play the note
;; fallthrough
;;; Plays a channel's current note.
;;; Param: B = Which channel (0 = CH1, 1 = CH2, etc.)
;;; Destroy: AF D HL
ld d, 0
call ptr_to_channel_member
;; TODO: Change this to accept HL instead?
ld a, [hl+]
ld [temp_note_value], a
ld a, [hl]
ld [temp_note_value+1], a
ld a, b
add a
add LOW(play_note_routines)
ld l, a
adc HIGH(play_note_routines)
sub l
ld h, a
jp hl
;;; Processes (global) effect F, "set speed".
;;; Param: C = New amount of ticks per row
;;; Param: ZF = Set if and only if on tick 0
;;; Destroy: A
ret nz
ld a, c
ld [ticks_per_row], a
;;; Processes (global) effect B, "position jump".
;;; Param: C = ID of the order to jump to
;;; Destroy: A
ld a, 1
ld [row_break], a
ld a, c
ld [next_order], a
;;; Processes (global) effect D, "pattern break".
;;; Param: C = ID of the next order's row to start on
;;; Destroy: A
ld a, c
ld [row_break], a
;;; Processes effect E, "note cut".
;;; Param: B = Current channel ID (0 = CH1, 1 = CH2, etc.)
;;; Param: C = Tick to cut the note on (TODO: what does cutting on tick 0 do?)
;;; Param: A = Current tick
;;; Destroy: A
cp c
ret nz
;; check channel mute
;; 0 → $01, 1 → $02, 2 → $04, 3 → $05
;; Overall, these two instructions add 1 to the number.
;; However, the first instruction will generate a carry for inputs of $02 and $03;
;; the `adc` will pick the carry up, and "separate" 0 / 1 from 2 / 3 by an extra 1.
;; Luckily, this yields correct results for 0 ($01), 1 ($02), and 2 ($03 + 1 = $04).
;; We'll see about fixing 3 afterwards.
add -2
adc 3
;; After being shifted left, the inputs are $02, $04, $08 and $0A; all are valid BCD,
;; except for $0A. Since we just performed `add a`, DAA will correct the latter to $10.
;; (This should be correctly emulated everywhere, since the inputs are identical to
;; "regular" BCD.)
;; When shifting the results back, we'll thus get $01, $02, $04 and $08!
add a
ld d, a
ld a, [mute_channels]
and d
ret nz
;; fallthrough
;;; Cuts note on a channel.
;;; Param: B = Current channel ID (0 = CH1, 1 = CH2, etc.)
;;; Destroy: AF HL
ld a, b
add a
add a
add b ; multiply by 5
ld l, a
ld h, HIGH(rAUD1ENV)
xor a
ld [hl+], a
ld a, b
cp 2
ret z ; return early if CH3-- no need to retrigger note
;; Retrigger note
inc l ; Not `inc hl` because H stays constant (= $FF)
ld [hl], $FF
;;; Processes effect C, "set volume".
;;; Param: B = Current channel ID (0 = CH1, 1 = CH2, etc.)
;;; Param: C = Volume to set the channel to
;;; Param: ZF = Set if and only if on tick 0
;;; Destroy: AF BC
ret nz ; Return if we're not on tick zero.
swap c
ld a, [mute_channels]
dec b
jr z, .set_chn_2_vol
dec b
jr z, .set_chn_3_vol
dec b
jr z, .set_chn_4_vol
retMute 0
ldh a, [rAUD1ENV]
and %00001111
or c
ldh [rAUD1ENV], a
retMute 1
ldh a, [rAUD2ENV]
and %00001111
or c
ldh [rAUD2ENV], a
retMute 2
;; "Quantize" the more finely grained volume control down to one of 4 values.
ld a, c
cp 10 << 4
jr nc, .one
cp 5 << 4
jr nc, .two
or a
jr z, .done ; Zero maps to zero
ld a, %01100000
jr .done
ld a, %01000000
jr .done
ld a, %00100000
ldh [rAUD3LEVEL], a
retMute 3
ld a, c
ldh [rAUD4ENV], a
;;; Processes effect 4, "vibrato".
;;; Param: B = Current channel ID (0 = CH1, 1 = CH2, etc.)
;;; Param: C = FX param
;;; Param: ZF = Set if and only if on tick 0
;;; Destroy: AF B DE HL
ret z
;; Extremely poor man's vibrato.
;; Speed values:
;; (0x0 = 1.0)
;; (0x1 = 0.5)
;; (0x3 = 0.25)
;; (0x7 = 0.125)
;; (0xf = 0.0625)
ld d, 4
call ptr_to_channel_member
ld a, c
and %11110000
swap a
ld e, a
ld a, [counter]
and e
ld a, [hl]
jr z, .go_up
call get_note_period
jr .finish_vibrato
call get_note_period
ld a, c
and %00001111
ld d, h
ld e, l
xor a
jp update_channel_freq
;;; Processes effect 8, "arpeggio".
;;; Param: B = Current channel ID (0 = CH1, 1 = CH2, etc.)
;;; Param: C = Offsets in semitones (each nibble)
;;; Param: ZF = Set if and only if on tick 0
;;; Destroy: AF B DE HL
ret z
ld d, 4
call ptr_to_channel_member
ld d, [hl]
ld a, [tick]
dec a
;; TODO: A crappy modulo, because it's not a multiple of four :(
jr .test_greater_than_two
sub 3
cp 3
jr nc, .greater_than_two
;; Multiply by 2 to get offset into table
add a
add LOW(.arp_options)
ld l, a
adc HIGH(.arp_options)
sub l
ld h, a
jp hl
jr .set_arp1
jr .set_arp2
;; No `jr .reset_arp`
ld a, d
jr .finish_skip_add
ld a, c
swap a
db $FE ; cp <imm8> gobbles next byte
ld a, c
and %00001111
add d
call get_note_period
ld d, h
ld e, l
xor a
jp update_channel_freq
;;; Processes effect 1, "portamento up".
;;; Param: B = Current channel ID (0 = CH1, 1 = CH2, etc.)
;;; Param: C = How many units to slide the pitch by per tick
;;; Param: ZF = Set if and only if on tick 0
;;; Destroy: A B DE HL
ret z
ld d, 0
call ptr_to_channel_member
;; Add C to 16-bit value at HL
ld a, [hl+]
add c
ld e, a
adc [hl]
sub e
;; Write back
ld d, a ; Store A for call to `update_channel_freq`
ld [hl-], a
ld [hl], e
xor a
jp update_channel_freq
;;; Processes (global) effect 2, "portamento down".
;;; Param: B = Current channel ID (0 = CH1, 1 = CH2, etc.)
;;; Param: C = How many units to slide the pitch down by per tick
;;; Param: ZF = Set if and only if on tick 0
;;; Destroy: A B DE HL
ret z
ld d, 0
call ptr_to_channel_member
;; Subtract C from 16-bit value at [HL]
ld a, [hl+]
sub c
ld e, a
sbc a
add [hl]
;; Write back
jr fx_porta_up.finish
;;; Processes effect 2, "tone portamento".
;;; Param: B = Current channel ID (0 = CH1, 1 = CH2, etc.)
;;; Param: C = Target note
;;; Param: ZF = Set if and only if on tick 0
;;; Destroy: A B DE HL
jr nz, .do_toneporta
;; We're on tick zero, so just move the temp note value into the toneporta target.
ld d, 2
call ptr_to_channel_member
;; If the note is nonexistent, then just return
ld a, [temp_note_value]
or a
jr z, .return_skip
ld [hl+], a
ld a, [temp_note_value+1]
ld [hl], a
;; Don't call _playnote. This is done by grabbing the return
;; address and manually skipping the next call instruction.
ld d, 0
call ptr_to_channel_member
push hl
;; Read current period
ld a, [hl+]
ld e, a
ld a, [hl+]
ld d, a
;; Read target period
ld a, [hl+]
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
;; Do we need to porta up, or down? Compute (current - target) and check carry to know
sub e
ld a, h
sbc d
jr c, .porta_down ; Current period (DE) is higher than target one (HL), so down we go!
;; Add offset to current freq
ld a, e
add c
ld e, a
adc d
sub e
ld d, a
;; We don't need to worry about overflow given the relatively low values we work with
ld c, 0 ; The overshoot comparison should yield no carry, like the above one
jr .check_overshoot
;; Subtract offset from current freq
ld a, e
sub c
ld e, a
sbc a
add d
ld d, a
jr c, .overshot ; There will be no underflows under my watch!
ld c, $FF ; The overshoot comparison should yield carry, like the above one
ld a, l
sub e
ld a, h
sbc d
rra ; Shift carry into bit 7
xor c ; XOR it with provided value
rla ; Shift maybe-toggled carry back
jr nc, .no_overshoot
;; Override computed new period with target
ld d, h
ld e, l
pop hl
ld a, e
ld [hl+], a
ld [hl], d
;; Do not retrigger channel
ld a, 6
ld a, [hl]
res 7, [hl]
;; B must be preserved for this
jp update_channel_freq
;; TODO: Find some way to de-duplicate this code!
;;; Computes the pointer to a CH4 instrument.
;;; Param: B = The instrument's ID
;;; Param: DE = Instrument pointer table
;;; Return: DE = Pointer to the instrument
;;; Return: ZF = Set if and only if there was no instrument (ID == 0)
;;; Destroy: AF
;; Call with:
;; Instrument/High nibble of effect in B
;; Stores whether the instrument was real in the Z flag
;; Stores the instrument pointer in DE
ld a, b
and %11110000
swap a
ret z ; If there's no instrument, then return early.
dec a ; Instrument 0 is "no instrument"
add a
jr setup_instrument_pointer.finish
;;; Computes the pointer to an instrument.
;;; Param: B = The instrument's ID
;;; Param: DE = Instrument pointer table
;;; Return: DE = Pointer to the instrument
;;; Return: ZF = Set if and only if there was no instrument (ID == 0)
;;; Destroy: AF
;; Call with:
;; Instrument/High nibble of effect in B
;; Stores whether the instrument was real in the Z flag
;; Stores the instrument pointer in DE
ld a, b
and %11110000
swap a
ret z ; If there's no instrument, then return early.
dec a ; Instrument 0 is "no instrument"
;; Shift left twice to multiply by 4
add a
add a
rla ; reset the Z flag
;;; Ticks the sound engine once.
;;; Destroy: AF BC DE HL
ld a, [tick]
or a
jp nz, process_effects
;; Note playback
ld hl, pattern1
ld de, channel_note1
call get_current_note
push af
jr nc, .do_setvol1
load_de_ind duty_instruments
call setup_instrument_pointer
ld a, [highmask1]
res 7, a ; Turn off the "initial" flag
jr z, .write_mask1
checkMute 0, .do_setvol1
ld a, [de]
inc de
ldh [rAUD1SWEEP], a
ld a, [de]
inc de
ldh [rAUD1LEN], a
ld a, [de]
ldh [rAUD1ENV], a
inc de
ld a, [de]
ld [highmask1], a
ld a, l
ld [temp_note_value], a
ld a, h
ld [temp_note_value+1], a
ld e, 0
call do_effect
pop af
call c, play_ch1_note
;; Note playback
ld hl, pattern2
ld de, channel_note2
call get_current_note
push af
jr nc, .do_setvol2
load_de_ind duty_instruments
call setup_instrument_pointer
ld a, [highmask2]
res 7, a ; Turn off the "initial" flag
jr z, .write_mask2
checkMute 1, .do_setvol2
inc de
ld a, [de]
inc de
ldh [rAUD2LEN], a
ld a, [de]
ldh [rAUD2ENV], a
inc de
ld a, [de]
ld [highmask2], a
ld a, l
ld [temp_note_value], a
ld a, h
ld [temp_note_value+1], a
ld e, 1
call do_effect
pop af
call c, play_ch2_note
ld hl, pattern3
ld de, channel_note3
call get_current_note
ld a, l
ld [temp_note_value], a
ld a, h
ld [temp_note_value+1], a
push af
jr nc, .do_setvol3
load_de_ind wave_instruments
call setup_instrument_pointer
ld a, [highmask3]
res 7, a ; Turn off the "initial" flag
jr z, .write_mask3
checkMute 2, .do_setvol3
ld a, [de]
inc de
ldh [rAUD3LEN], a
ld a, [de]
inc de
ldh [rAUD3LEVEL], a
ld a, [de]
inc de
;; Check to see if we need to copy a wave and then do so
ld hl, current_wave
cp [hl]
jr z, .no_wave_copy
ld [hl], a
swap a
add_a_ind_ret_hl waves
xor a
ldh [rAUD3ENA], a
ld a, [hl+]
ldh [_AUD3WAVERAM + OFS], a
ld a, %10000000
ldh [rAUD3ENA], a
ld a, [de]
ld [highmask3], a
ld e, 2
call do_effect
pop af
call c, play_ch3_note
ld hl, pattern4
ld a, [hl+]
ld c, a
ld b, [hl]
call get_current_row
ld [channel_note4], a
push af
jr nc, .do_setvol4
call get_note_poly
ld [temp_note_value], a
ld de, 0
call setup_instrument_pointer
ld a, [highmask4]
res 7, a ; Turn off the "initial" flag
jr z, .write_mask4
checkMute 3, .do_setvol4
load_hl_ind noise_instruments
sla e
add hl, de
ld a, [hl+]
ldh [rAUD4ENV], a
ld a, [hl]
and %00111111
ldh [rAUD4LEN], a
ld a, [temp_note_value]
ld d, a
ld a, [hl]
and %10000000
swap a
or d
ld [temp_note_value], a
ld a, [hl]
and %01000000
or %10000000
ld [highmask4], a
ld e, 3
call do_effect
pop af
call c, play_ch4_note
;; finally just update the tick/order/row values
jp process_tick
;; Only do effects if not on tick zero
checkMute 0, .after_effect1
ld hl, pattern1
ld a, [hl+]
ld c, a
ld b, [hl]
call get_current_row
ld a, c
or a
jr z, .after_effect1
ld e, 0
call do_effect ; make sure we never return with ret_dont_call_playnote macro
checkMute 1, .after_effect2
ld hl, pattern2
ld a, [hl+]
ld c, a
ld b, [hl]
call get_current_row
ld a, c
or a
jr z, .after_effect2
ld e, 1
call do_effect ; make sure we never return with ret_dont_call_playnote macro
checkMute 2, .after_effect3
ld hl, pattern3
ld a, [hl+]
ld c, a
ld b, [hl]
call get_current_row
ld a, c
or a
jr z, .after_effect3
ld e, 2
call do_effect ; make sure we never return with ret_dont_call_playnote macro
checkMute 3, .after_effect4
ld hl, pattern4
ld a, [hl+]
ld c, a
ld b, [hl]
call get_current_row
jr nc, .done_macro
ld h, a
load_de_ind noise_instruments
call setup_instrument_pointer_ch4
jr z, .done_macro ; No instrument, thus no macro
ld a, [tick]
cp 7
jr nc, .done_macro
inc de
ld l, a
ld a, h
ld h, 0
add hl, de
add [hl]
call get_note_poly
ld l, a
ld a, [de]
ld e, a
and %10000000
swap a
or l
ldh [rAUD4POLY], a
ld a, e
and %01000000
ldh [rAUD4GO], a
ld a, c
or a
jr z, .after_effect4
ld e, 3
call do_effect ; make sure we never return with ret_dont_call_playnote macro
ld hl, counter
inc [hl]
ld a, [ticks_per_row]
ld b, a
ld hl, tick
ld a, [hl]
inc a
cp b
jr z, .newrow
ld [hl], a
;; Reset tick to 0
ld [hl], 0
;; Check if we need to perform a row break or pattern break
ld a, [row_break]
or a
jr z, .no_break
;; These are offset by one so we can check to see if they've
;; been modified
dec a
ld b, a
ld hl, row_break
xor a
ld [hl-], a
or [hl] ; a = [next_order], zf = ([next_order] == 0)
ld [hl], 0
jr z, .neworder
dec a
add a ; multiply order by 2 (they are words)
jr .update_current_order
;; Increment row.
ld a, [row]
inc a
ld b, a
jr nz, .noreset
ld b, 0
;; Increment order and change loaded patterns
ld a, [order_cnt]
ld c, a
ld a, [current_order]
add 2
cp c
jr nz, .update_current_order
xor a
;; Call with:
;; A: The order to load
;; B: The row for the order to start on
ld [current_order], a
ld c, a
call load_patterns
ld a, b
ld [row], a
db $fd ; signal row update to tracker
include ""
SECTION "hUGEDriver GBDK wrappers", ROM0
ld hl, sp+2+4
jr continue_init
ld hl, sp+2
push bc
ld a, [hl+]
ld h, [hl]
ld l, a
call hUGE_init
pop bc
ld hl, sp+3+4
jr continue_mute
ld hl, sp+3
push bc
ld a, [hl-]
and 1
ld c, a
ld b, [hl]
call hUGE_mute_channel
pop bc
ld hl, sp+2+4
jr continue_set_position
ld hl, sp+2
push bc
ld c, [hl]
call hUGE_set_position
pop bc