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166 lines
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  1. import argparse
  2. import pathlib
  3. import subprocess
  4. import sys
  5. import tempfile
  6. from typing import NoReturn, Tuple
  7. from PIL import Image
  8. GREEN = (0, 255, 0)
  9. RED = (255, 0, 0)
  10. BLUE = (0, 0, 255)
  11. def abort(msg: str) -> NoReturn:
  12. print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
  13. sys.exit(1)
  14. SpawnPoint = Tuple[int, int]
  15. def generate_coll_map(
  16. in_path: pathlib.Path, width: int, height: int, compress: bool = False
  17. ) -> Tuple[str, SpawnPoint]:
  18. png ="RGB")
  19. if png.width % 8 != 0 or png.height % 8 != 0:
  20. abort(f"file '{in_path}' has invalid dimensions (should be multiple of 8)")
  21. if png.width // 8 != width or png.height // 8 != height:
  22. abort(f"file '{in_path}' has different size from map")
  23. out_bytes = []
  24. bits = []
  25. spawn = None
  26. for y in range(png.height // 8):
  27. for x in range(png.width // 8):
  28. pixel = png.getpixel((x * 8, y * 8))
  29. bit = None
  30. if pixel == RED:
  31. bit = 0
  32. elif pixel == GREEN:
  33. bit = 1
  34. elif pixel == BLUE:
  35. bit = 1
  36. spawn = (x, y)
  37. else:
  38. abort(f"unsupported pixel in collision map: {pixel}")
  39. if compress:
  40. bits.append(bit)
  41. if len(bits) == 8:
  42. byte = sum([bit << i for i, bit in enumerate(bits)])
  43. out_bytes.append(byte)
  44. bits = []
  45. else:
  46. out_bytes.append(bit)
  47. png.close()
  48. if spawn is None:
  49. abort(f"no spawn point located")
  50. return format_bytes(out_bytes, width=width), spawn
  51. def format_bytes(data: bytes, width: int = 16) -> str:
  52. lines = []
  53. for line_no in range(0, len(data), width):
  54. line = data[line_no : line_no + width]
  55. lines.append(" DB " + ", ".join(["$%02X" % b for b in line]))
  56. return "\n".join(lines)
  57. def generate_map(pngfile: str, compress: bool = False) -> None:
  58. pngpath = pathlib.Path(pngfile).resolve()
  59. incpath = pngpath.parent /".png", ".inc")
  60. spath = pngpath.parent /".png", ".s")
  61. png =
  62. if png.width % 8 != 0 or png.height % 8 != 0:
  63. abort(f"file '{pngfile}' has invalid dimensions (should be multiple of 8)")
  64. width = png.width // 8
  65. height = png.height // 8
  66. if width > 127 or height > 127:
  67. abort(
  68. f"file '{pngfile}' has invalid dimensions (width/height greater than 127 tiles)"
  69. )
  70. png.close()
  71. with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tilef, tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as mapf:
  73. [
  74. "rgbgfx",
  75. "-u",
  76. "-t",
  78. "-o",
  80. pngfile,
  81. ]
  82. )
  83. map_data = format_bytes(, width=width)
  84. tile_data = format_bytes(
  85. section =".png", "")
  86. collpath = pngpath.parent /".png", "_coll.png")
  87. coll_map, spawn = generate_coll_map(collpath, width, height, compress=compress)
  88. with open(incpath, "w") as outf:
  89. outf.write(
  90. f"""DEF {section}_WIDTH EQU {width}
  91. DEF {section}_HEIGHT EQU {height}
  92. DEF {section}_NUM_TILES EQUS "({section}_TILES_end - {section}_TILES)"
  93. DEF {section}_MAP_SIZE EQUS "({section}_MAP_end - {section}_MAP)"
  94. ASSERT {section}_MAP_SIZE == {section}_WIDTH * {section}_HEIGHT
  95. """
  96. )
  97. with open(spath, "w") as outf:
  98. outf.write(
  99. f"""SECTION "MAP - {section}", ROM0
  100. {section}_Data::
  101. {section}_TILE_PTR: DW {section}_TILES
  102. {section}_TILE_SIZE: DB ({section}_TILES_end - {section}_TILES)
  103. {section}_MAP_PTR: DW {section}_MAP
  104. {section}_MAP_WIDTH: DB {width}
  105. {section}_MAP_HEIGHT: DB {height}
  106. {section}_SPAWN_X: DB {spawn[0]}
  107. {section}_SPAWN_Y: DB {spawn[1]}
  108. {section}_MAP::
  109. {map_data}
  110. {section}_MAP_end::
  111. {section}_TILES::
  112. {tile_data}
  113. {section}_TILES_end::
  114. {section}_COLLISION::
  115. {coll_map}
  116. {section}_COLLISION_end::
  117. """
  118. )
  119. def main() -> None:
  120. parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("generate_map")
  121. parser.add_argument("-c", "--compress", default=False)
  122. parser.add_argument("png")
  123. args = parser.parse_args()
  124. generate_map(args.png, compress=(not not args.compress))
  125. if __name__ == "__main__":
  126. main()