python ircd using asyncio
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

188 lines
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  1. import asyncio
  2. import dataclasses
  3. import logging
  4. import os
  5. from typing import Dict, List, Set
  6. clients_by_nick: Dict[str, "Client"] = {}
  7. all_channels: Dict[str, "Channel"] = {}
  8. @dataclasses.dataclass
  9. class Client:
  10. hostname: str
  11. reader: asyncio.StreamReader
  12. writer: asyncio.StreamWriter
  13. msg_queue: asyncio.Queue
  14. nickname: str = ""
  15. username: str = ""
  16. realname: str = ""
  17. registered: bool = False
  18. channels: Set[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=set)
  19. def id(self) -> str:
  20. return f"{self.nickname}!{self.username}@{self.hostname}"
  21. @dataclasses.dataclass
  22. class Channel:
  23. name: str
  24. clients_by_host: Dict[str, Client] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
  25. msg_queue: asyncio.Queue = dataclasses.field(default_factory=asyncio.Queue)
  26. logging.basicConfig(
  27. format="%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] - %(message)s", level=logging.INFO
  28. )
  29. logger = logging.getLogger()
  30. async def handle_reader(client: Client) -> None:
  31. while True:
  32. raw_msg = await client.reader.readuntil(b"\r\n")
  33. if not raw_msg.endswith(b"\r\n"):
  34. raise RuntimeError("malformed message")
  35. msg = parse_irc_msg(raw_msg)
  36. await handle_irc_msg(client, msg)
  37. async def handle_irc_msg(client: Client, msg: List[str]) -> None:
  38. if msg[0] == "CAP":
  39. #
  40. logging.warning("TODO: implement support for client capability negotiation")
  41. elif msg[0] == "NICK":
  42. assert_argc(msg, 2)
  43. if client.nickname:
  44. del clients_by_nick[client.nickname]
  45. client.nickname = msg[1]
  46. clients_by_nick[client.nickname] = client
  47. if client.username and client.realname:
  48. client.registered = True
  49."{client.hostname} ({}) registered")
  50. elif msg[0] == "USER":
  51. assert_argc(msg, 5)
  52. if client.registered:
  53. raise RuntimeError("USER command issued after registration")
  54. client.username = msg[1]
  55. client.realname = msg[4]
  56. if client.nickname:
  57. client.registered = True
  58."{client.hostname} ({}) registered")
  59. elif msg[0] == "JOIN":
  60. assert_argc(msg, 2)
  61. assert_registered(client, msg)
  62. if not msg[1].startswith("#"):
  63. raise RuntimeError("invalid channel name")
  64. if msg[1] not in all_channels:
  65. all_channels[msg[1]] = Channel(name=msg[1])
  66. asyncio.create_task(process_channel(all_channels[msg[1]]))
  67. channel = all_channels[msg[1]]
  68. client.channels.add(
  69. channel.clients_by_host[client.hostname] = client
  70."{client.hostname} ({}) joined {msg[1]}")
  71. await channel.msg_queue.put(
  72. f":{client.nickname} JOIN {msg[1]}\r\n".encode("utf-8")
  73. )
  74. elif msg[0] == "PRIVMSG":
  75. assert_argc(msg, 3)
  76. assert_registered(client, msg)
  77. await privmsg(client, msg[1], msg[2])
  78. else:
  79. logging.warning(f"unsupported message {msg[0]}")
  80. async def privmsg(client: Client, recipient: str, raw_msg: str) -> None:
  81. msg = f":{client.nickname} PRIVMSG {recipient} :{raw_msg}\r\n".encode("utf-8")
  82. for name, other_client in clients_by_nick.items():
  83. if name == recipient:
  84. other_client.msg_queue.put_nowait(msg)
  85. return
  86. for name, channel in all_channels.items():
  87. if name == recipient:
  88. channel.msg_queue.put_nowait(msg)
  89. return
  90. raise RuntimeError(f"unknown recipient {recipient}")
  91. async def process_channel(channel: Channel) -> None:
  92. while True:
  93. msg = await channel.msg_queue.get()
  94. for client in channel.clients_by_host.values():
  95. if msg.startswith(f":{client.nickname} PRIVMSG".encode("utf-8")):
  96. continue
  97. client.msg_queue.put_nowait(msg)
  98. def assert_registered(client: Client, msg: List[str]) -> None:
  99. if client.registered:
  100. return
  101. raise RuntimeError(f"{msg[0]} command issued before client fully registered")
  102. def assert_argc(xs: List[str], i: int) -> None:
  103. if len(xs) == i:
  104. return
  105. raise RuntimeError(f"{xs[0]} had {len(xs)} arguments (expected {i})")
  106. def parse_irc_msg(raw_msg: str) -> List[str]:
  107. tokens: List[str] = []
  108. raw_tokens: List[str] = raw_msg.decode("utf-8").split(" ")
  109. for i, token in enumerate(raw_tokens):
  110. if token.startswith(":"):
  111. trailing = token[1:] + " ".join(raw_tokens[i + 1 :])
  112. tokens.append(trailing)
  113. break
  114. tokens.append(token)
  115. if len(tokens) > 0:
  116. tokens[-1] = tokens[-1].strip()
  117. else:
  118. raise RuntimeError("empty message")
  119. return tokens
  120. async def handle_writer(client: Client) -> None:
  121. while True:
  122. msg = await client.msg_queue.get()
  123. client.writer.write(msg)
  124. await client.writer.drain()
  125. async def register_client(reader, writer):
  126. client = Client(
  127. hostname=writer.get_extra_info("peername")[0],
  128. reader=reader,
  129. writer=writer,
  130. msg_queue=asyncio.Queue(),
  131. )
  132. asyncio.create_task(handle_reader(client))
  133. asyncio.create_task(handle_writer(client))
  134. async def main():
  135. bind_addr = os.getenv("BIND_ADDR") or ""
  136. port = os.getenv("PORT") or 6667
  137. server = await asyncio.start_server(
  138. register_client,
  139. bind_addr,
  140. port,
  141. reuse_port=True,
  142. )
  143."Listening on {bind_addr}:{port}...")
  144. async with server:
  145. await server.serve_forever()
  146. if __name__ == "__main__":